Uganda is a signatory to the international agreements/commitments that provide for learners with special needs. One example of such instruments that bind those agreements is the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education (1994).
This instrument emphasizes:
- The Right of all children, including those with temporary and permanent needs for educational adjustments to attend school.
- The Right of all children to attend school in their home communities in inclusive classes.
- The Right of all children to participate in a child-centred education meeting individual needs.
- The Right of all children to participate in quality education that is meaningful for everyone.
In consonance with the Government Constitution (1995), Uganda has put in place The Persons with Disability Act (2006) and has also ratified the United Nations Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities (2008).
Both instruments demand for access, equity and quality as regards educational services for persons with special learning needs.
To meet those requirements, the Ministry of Education & Sports put in place a department responsible for special needs and inclusive education.