
The department of Physical Education and Sports (PES) has the mandate to develop, coordinate all physical education and sports activities in the country as stipulated in the National Physical Education and Sports Policy (NPESP) document. The policy document is government's deliberate, integrated and systematically articulated plan and lines of action for the promotion of PES in the country.
The vision, mission, programmes, projects, management arrangements, legal frame work, financing arrangements all seeks to provide a firm foundation for the development and promotion of a robust PES Sub-Sector in Uganda.

Mission Statement

Guide, coordinate and promote quality physical education, training, and sports to all persons in Uganda for national integration, development and individual advancement.

Roles of the department

This is the lead agency for the implementation of the NPESP and is particularly responsible for:

  • Develop, implement and revise the NPESP;
  • Develop policy and policy guidelines that conducive for PES development;
  • Promote and develop PES through;
  • Coordinating training of Technical personnel.
  • Advocacy of inclusion of sports in other sectors.
  • Provision of facilities and equipment.
  • Initiate and promote co-ordination, collaboration and networking among-st all stakeholders;
  • Advocate for and mobilizing funds for Physical Education and Sports;
  • Monitor and evaluate PES programs.

Key functions

  • Initiate legislation and policy formulation and provide guidelines for PES; Build capacity of teachers, coaches and other stakeholders and conduct support supervision for quality assurance;
  • Coordinate organization of sports competitions and provide sports equipment, instructional materials and facilities for talent identification and development at educational institutional levels;
  • Guide, coordinate and monitor strategic planning and budgeting for PES;
  • Liaise with the National Council of Sports on issues regarding National Sports Federations/Associations.
  • Oversee advocacy for PES in the areas of resource mobilisation, favourable legal framework and tax provision on sports goods, equipment and prizes
  • Liaise with sports stakeholders including NGOs to develop and promote public private partnerships in the planning, financing and provision of PES;
  • Coordinate and monitor the day to day management of PES activities in the country.


  • Oriented 2,000 Secondary school teachers to teach physical education and sports at secondary level.
  • Developed the Profile of a Modern Physical Education (PE) teacher to be implemented by P.E teachers training institutions.
  • Renewed cooperation with the Chinese government which resulted into rehabilitation of Mandela national stadium limited as well as Chinese volunteers coming to assist in building human resource locally.
  • Signed cooperation agreement with International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF), which led to standardization of primary schools sports competitions geared towards talent identification and provision of age appropriate sports activity.
  • Signed cooperation agreement with the German government resulting into the German government sending to Uganda a sports development expert for four years term whose contract expired in September 2013.
  • Developed guidelines for conduct of sports competitions for all educational Institutions.
  • Ensured that physical education was granted core and compulsory secondary school curriculum subject and physical education curriculum is underway.
  • Established 32 government aided secondary schools as sports schools (centres of sports excellence) countrywide; with plans to have them well equipped.
  • Organization and coordination of sports completions for primary, secondary, universities and other tertiary institution.
  • Initiated a program for sports facilities development such as the rehabilitation of six regional stadia (Jinja, Mbarara, Kabale, Gulu, Masaka, Mbale) and construction of the National High Altitude Training Centre (NHATC).
  • Facilitated National teams to various international competitions such as All Africa Games, World Championships, Olympic Games, World University Games and East Africa Secondary Schools Games among others.
  • Uganda received short term capacity building trainings for PES technical personnel conducted by experts in the respective field sent by the German government. The training includes:
    -Modern endurance training,
    -Modern strength training,
    -Sports physiotherapy,
    -Modern training in jumps
  • Sports Medicine course (planned for next financial year), to empower our local medical doctors to handle sports related conditions locally.
  • The German government donated electronic timer and wind speed measurement system to enable Uganda to qualify athletes in sprint events for international competition.
  • Uganda will also in due course receive underwater massage equipment donated by the German government; as part of the physiotherapy and strength room to be instituted at Mandela national stadium.
  • PES personnel have participated in PES related workshops, seminars, symposium and conferences both nationally and internationally.
  • Conducted monitoring and evaluation of PES programmes for quality assurance.

In the medium term the PES department plans to

  • Massive and systematic capacity building for PES teachers and other personnel at all levels of education and community as required;
  • Facilitating and equipping of the thirty two (32) sports schools as a matter of priority.
  • Develop PES website for e-learning is to alleviate the challenge of instruction materials on PES.
  • Establish a national sports data bank and develop recognition and reward scheme for excelling sports persons to inspire and motivate talented sports persons.
  • Improve access to PES provisions at all educational institutions level and community to realize the goals of providing access to quality education and sports for all.
  • Rehabilitate six Regional Stadia (Jinja, Mbarara, Kabale, Gulu, Masaka, Mbale)
  • Construct the National High Altitude Training Centre at Teryet in Kapchorwa.
  • Negotiate partnerships with teacher training institutions for re-tooling of teachers to teach physical education.
  • Increase budget allocation to PES sub-sector to make head way in implementation of Policy provisions.

Structure of the Department
The current staffing of the department is a single spine structure composed of Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, Principal Education Officer, Senior Education Officer, Education Officer, Personal Secretary, Steno Secretary, Office Attendant and Driver.