Department of Health Education and Training (HET)

The department of Health Education and Training (HET) is one of the six (6) department under the Directorate of Higher, Technical Vocational Education and Training (HTVET) in the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES). The department is responsible for coordinating, supervising, guiding, monitoring, and regulating the training and development of health professions in Health Training Institutions of Uganda.


Health Education and Training Department is mandated to provide quality  and relevant education and skills training for health professionals in Uganda.


Quality for educating and training employable  human resources for the Health Sector.


An excellent department in providing quality inclusive, flexible and equitable health education and training which is responsive to the requirements of the labour market. In focus, the HET Department aims at seeing “health professions’ education” in the context of health systems and services responding to health needs of the population.


  • Effectiveness and efficiency
  • Impartiality, Integrity and Selflessness
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Professionalism
  • Responsiveness and client focus
  • Partnership and continuous improvement
  • Decency
  • Discipline and Diligence
  • Loyalty
  • Timeliness


  The department is on 3rd floor Legacy Towers, plot 5 Kyadondo Road Nakasero in Kampala Capital City.


In line with the objectives of the education sector, the strategic objectives of the Health Education and Training department include:

  1. To ensure provision of access to relevant and quality Health education and training to persons interested and fit for health professional training.
  2. To ensure delivery of relevant and quality health education and training for the world of work at all institutions preparing workforce for the Health Sector

To enhance efficiency and effectiveness of educational service delivery at HET education and training institutions.


The functions of the department include but not limited;

  1. To develop, formulate and review policies, programs, projects, strategies, standards and guidelines for Health Education and Training.
  2. To monitor and evaluate the implementation of (a) above in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
  3. To initiate and mobilize resources for Health Education and Training
  4. To identify and mobilize existing and potential partners and establish collaboration mechanisms in the delivery of Health Education and Training.
  5. To license and register /deregister all Private Health Training Institutions in collaboration with the relevant professional councils and Ministry of Health.
  6. To ensure timely appointment and provide technical support to Governing Councils of Health Training Institutions.
  7. To ensure effective management of Health Training Institutions and attainment of the Education and Sports Sector strategic objectives.
  8. To Identify skills, capacity gaps, and recommend appropriate continuous professional development for technical staff in HET department and Health Training institutions.
  9. To advise Government on all matters of Health Education and Training including staff development, financing and equipping of related education and Health training institutions.
  10. To establish and maintain an up-to-date data bank and information management and communication system about Health Education and Training
  11. To establish Centers of Excellence in Health Education and Training sub sector to ensure a health workforce that supports and maintains healthy productive population for national, regional and globally health needs;
  12. To maintain standards, quality and relevance in all aspects of Health Education and Training within the national training system;
  13. To initiate and facilitate research and innovation in Health Education and Training.
  1. Improved quality delivery of education, training and assessment services for Health.
  2. Improved professional and practice in the delivery of health education and Training services for human resources for health.
  3. Established standards which supports quality and relevance in all aspects of Health Education and Training within the national training system;
  4. Improved collaboration with the relevant MDAs, International and National bodies such as MoH, WHO, Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board (UNMEB), Uganda Allied Health Examinations Board (UAHEB),Education Service Commission (ESC), The Health Professionals Council and National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) and other sister institutions established and sustained.
  5. Revised, implemented and Monitored Health curricula
  6. Increased in numbers and quality of established and regulated Health training Institutions
  7. Improved coordination of training of Health workers
  1. Numbers of Students admitted, assessed, and passed out
  2. institutions inspected and inspection reports submitted and disseminated to key stake holders for action.
  3. Good practices reported and disseminated to improve the quality of practice in the education service.
  4. Standards, guidelines and policies developed or reviewed to ensure consistence with International and national content and compitencies for training.
  5. Stakeholders advised to apply immediate sanctions where there are serious digressions of expected standards or provisions.
  6. Collaboration and linkages with the relevant International and National bodies in the provision of health education and training.
  7. Reports on Curriculum implementation according to the guidelines and documented areas of improvement recommended.
  8. Reports on the impact of national educational policies, strategies and programs and recommendations given.
  9. Functional institutional governing councils
  10. Documented reports for students clinical and field work
  11. Training completion reports
  12. Recruitment, deployment and supervision reports of staff in HTI
  13. Number of projects implemented in HTI

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Health Education and Training